Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hello and Welcome!!!
I am officially popping my blogging cherry!!! I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. I just never committed to sitting down and setting it all up. But recently I have been reading more blogs and really enjoying them and so I decided it was finally time to join the blogging world. I have always been a very open person and so this is a great chance to share my thoughts, feelings, life events, and stories with you. As well as anything else that comes up. I also love the idea that I am keeping track of whats going on in my life and that one day I can go back and read about what was going on during a particular time period. Life goes by sooo fast that its nice to have a place to record it all.

So far the most challenging part of getting a blog has been naming the dang thing. I feel like this is one of those things in life that you think will be easy but that then turns our to be quite difficult. I wanted something that describes me but also something classic yet fun. I wanted to be in love with my title choice and not just pick something to pick it. It took me literally (no exaggeration here) a week to come up with a blog title. At first I thought if I just let myself think about it something would come to mind. Well once that didn't happen I started getting desperate. Would I ever be able to decide on a title that I could find blogging true love and happiness with??? I started doing search after search on google to inspire myself to find a title. I went as far as looking up songs and movies that I love to see if there were any lyrics or lines that I could make into a title. At one point I had a running list of titles, some of which I was in serious like with but none that I felt I was head over heels in love with. I even had searched for a list of adjectives in trying to come up with an alliteration that I could love. I called my sister and my best friend in hopes that they could help and although they pretty much were able to agree that they weren't completely feeling any of the titles on the title list, they weren't able to come up with anything either. Finally I decided to seek some inspiration in  the book and movie series I love and go from there. In the end I decided on "Confessions of a Modern Day Princess" (yes I know Captain Obvious here because you can obviously see that exact information at the top of my blog). I decided that this title fit me and that it also fit the other blog title requirements that I had come up with in my own crazy little head. This was a title that I was in love with and that I felt I could fall more in love with over time. And this was an important factor in my final decision because now that I have finally started this blog  me and it are in it for the long haul.

Unfortunately I am not a real Princess by conventional terms (although that would be AMAZING!), but I have always envisioned myself as a Princess (kind of like the "A Little Princess" idea of all girls being Princesses). I have always been a romantic at heart and I love fairy tales, all things Disney, and the idea of being dressed in tiaras, sparkles, and a beautiful ball gown while dancing the night away with my prince at the ball. I am an extreme girly-girl that has also always been able to hang with the boys at the same time. I played sports growing up and have always been active in a large variety of ways. I am pretty much up for anything, however, I will most likely try to incorporate PINK and/or SPARKLES and/or BLING into anything I do. And as you probably guessed from the blog title I love clothes, accessories, decorating, and shopping.

I think thats it for today. I will leave you will some fairy tale images that I absolutely L♥VE!!!!